The Path of Non-separation Notation

American Nonesuch
Freeman Masters
The Path of Non-separation Notation

[ … ] – singular circumscription
[ […] ] – paired circumscription
[ [ […] ] ] – collective circumscription

BM Body-Mind
\0\ – without attention
\…\ – personal attention of
\\…\\ – personal presence on
{…} – impersonal attention of
(…) – transpersonal attention of

| – relegated from
& – in parallel with
– – minus
÷ – dividing
are – as the way events are
sbe – as the way events should be
? – Inquiry
u – unreal
f – false
x – replacing

@ – observing
/ – held within
/@ – held within and observed by

> – autonomous
< – non-autonomous

* – movement
! – being
# – evolution
= – at one with
nd – non-dual
⌃ – living
~ – existence